A black comedy in which Shibuya casts a withering glance on human greed and selfishness. Yashiro is a rich, old and grumpy man who lives with his mistress, an erstwhile geisha. She and her daughter conspire to kill him to get hold of his money. Although they constantly come up with new ploys to take his life, he always escapes unscathed. A pitiless and almost cynical depiction of a dysfunctional family. (Annette Lingg)
Cast: Tono Eijiro, Yamada Isuzu, Okada Mariko, Ito Yunosuke
Color: b&w
Running time: 110 min.
In partnership with the Deutsche Kinemathek. With thanks to Shochiku Co. Ltd., Tokyo FilmEx (Hayashi Kanako), the Japan Foundation, the National Film Center, the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
Photo: © Shochiku Co., Ltd.