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Christine Boisson is being interviewed at her Parisian apartment.The things she says, the images that appear obviously have something to do with the legendary character named Calamity Jane. But what exactly is the relationship between the two women? Is one the reincarnation of the other? Is she an actress playing her role? Someone dissecting her life? Her great grand-child? “One day, all of this will be known.”

Isabelle Prim, born in 1984 in Paris, is an actress, video artist, and filmmaker. Since 2014 she has been teaching film and video at the ESAM (École Supérieure D’arts & Médias) Caen/Cherbourgund. Prim has previously shown her works at Forum Expanded, the last one being Déjeuner chez Gertrude Stein (2013). Her works have been featured at numerous festivals and as part of art shows, including: Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Festival del Film Locarno, FID Marseille, and the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma in Montréal. Apart from her work as director, she has worked as editor for Leos Carax, Caroline Champetier, HPG, and others and has acted alongside people such as Jean-Claude Brisseau, Luc Moullet, or Dorothée Smith.

Contact: www.isabelle-prim.com
Cast: Christine Boisson
Director of photography: Victor Zébo
Format: DCP, Colour & Black/White
Running time: 4 min
Language: French

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur