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12.06.2021 21:30 OV silent green (Tickets)
19.06.2021 21:30 OV Atelier Gardens Freiluftkino @ BUFA (Tickets)

In Short Film Program #3, with:

The months of May, June, and July are represented with peonies, fireflies, and the year 2020. A rollerblader (Jahleel Gardner) traverses Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington D.C.

Production Madeleine Molyneaux, Kevin Jerome Everson. Production company Picture Palace Pictures (New York, USA). Director Kevin Jerome Everson. Cinematography Kevin Jerome Everson. Editing Kevin Jerome Everson. With Jahleel Gardner (Rollerblader). World sales Picture Palace Pictures.

Kevin Jerome Everson, born in 1965 in Mansfield, Ohio, USA, is the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He has an MFA from Ohio University and a BFA from the University of Akron and is Professor of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. His work encompasses painting, sculpture, photography, and film—including nine features and over 180 short form works—and has been exhibited internationally at film festivals, cinemas, galleries, museums, and biennials. Everson is the recipient of several awards, grants, and numerous fellowships.

Films: selection (starting 2015): 2015: Production Material Handler, A Saturday Night in Mansfield Ohio 2 (2 min.), Grand Finale (5 min.), Three Quarters (5 min., Forum Expanded 2015), Regal Unlimited (3 min.), Smooth Surface (3 min.), Three Items a Shelf (4 min.), Park Lanes (480 min.), It Seems to Hang On (20 min.). 2016: Oscar at 8903 Empire (2 min.), 8903 Empire (480 min.), Auditioning for Nathaniel (14 min.), Lost Nothing (4 min.), Threshold Spondee / Discrimination N66#1 (5 min.), Shadeena (5 min.), Ears, Nose and Throat (11 min.), We Demand (4 min., Forum Expanded 2016). 2017: Tonsler Park (82 min.), Brown and Clear (8 min.), Carrs Down South (3 min.), R-15 (5 min.), Rams 23 Blue Bears 21 (8 min.). 2018: Round Seven (19 min.), Rhino (23 min.), Polly One (6 min.), Polly Two (12 min.). 2019: Traveling Shoes (7 min., Forum Expanded 2019), Music from the Edge of Allegheny Plateau (7 min.), Condor (8 min.). 2020: Recovery (10 min., Forum Expanded 2020). 2021: Lago Gatún (60 min.), The I and S of Lives (6 min.), East Technical High School (Rekord) (3 min.), May June July.

Bonus Material

  • Kevin Jerome Everson, MAY JUNE JULY (Still)

    Director’s Statement

    Director Kevin Jerome Everson on the pandemic summer of 2020, roller skaters and the Black Lives Matter protests.
Forum Expanded 2021

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur