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Sab changa si

All Was Good
Still from the film "All Was Good" by Teresa A Braggs. People sit close together and talk animatedly.
© Teresa A Braggs
  • Director

    Teresa A Braggs

  • India / 2020
    77 min. / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language

    Hindi, English, Kannada, Urdu

Set in the backdrop of the nationwide 2019–2020 student protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in India—filmed in the city of Bangalore—SAB CHANGA SI is an intimate documentary on friendships, language, love, youth, resistance, and identity of class, caste, religion, and gender. In this film, the political is personal.

Teresa A Braggs was brought up in Calcutta; she graduated with honors from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore in Communication Studies in 2020. SAB CHANGA SI  is her first documentary film, originally shot for a film module at university. Braggs lives in Bangalore and experiments with text, sound, visuals, and the documentary form in her current practice.

Production Teresa A Braggs. Production company Teresa A Braggs (Bangalore, India). Director Teresa A Braggs. Cinematography Teresa A Braggs. Editing Teresa A Braggs. Music Teresa A Braggs. Sound design Teresa A Braggs. Sound Teresa A Braggs. 


2020: Places I Called Home (18 min.). 2021: (Only Gods) Post Hole on Main (15 min.), What’s Coming (5 min.). 2022: Sab changa si / All Was Good.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur