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Two girls with face masks are lying on a bed in a teenager
© Excellent Friends & Future Success PTY LTD
  • Director

    Sophie Somerville

  • Australia / 2025
    92 min. / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language

    English, French

Walk and talk in Melbourne: Em has travelled from Sydney to visit her friend Jessie. They don’t have any plans – and there isn’t even a proper duvet for Em, although the two young women won’t be sleeping anyway. For soon their sweet, smart babbling is in full flow, moving from the banal to the heavy and back again. Both of them are lost in their own way: Em because her supposed dream job comes with an exploitative, misogynous climate; Jessie because she’s now in a vacuum following a break-up. The hours they share become a space of play, just as their slacker-like movements through the city turn into an observation of themselves and those around them. Fwends alights upon the diffuse, sensitive realm between late adolescence and adult life, or, as director Sophie Somerville fittingly describes it, “how being in your 20s means staring into a dark, deep, meaningless void.” Yet the film hews closer to comedy than to drama, as analyses of the difficult present are delivered with costumes and special effects, with rap and improvisation. Made without a big budget, Fwends goes to unexpected places – and is also a declaration of love to a metropolis in spring. (Carolin Weidner)

Sophie Somerville is a Melbourne-based Australian writer, director and editor. Her shorts have screened at festivals around the world including Telluride Film Festival and London Short Film Festival. Her films have won the Dendy Award for Best Live Action Short (Peeps, 2021) and Rouben Mamoulian Award for Best Director (linda 4 eva, 2023) at Sydney Film Festival. In 2023 she was an attendee of the Melbourne International Film Festival Accelerator Lab for emerging Australian and New Zealand directors.

Director Sophie Somerville. Screenplay Sophie Somerville, Emmanuelle Mattana, Melissa Gan. Cinematography Carter Looker. Editing Sophie Somerville. Music Mike Tilbrook. Sound Design Rizky Pratama. Executive Producers Brendan Donoghue, Amanda Maple-Brown, Adrian Holmes. Co-Producers Carter Looker, Sophie Somerville, Sarah Hegge-Taylor. Production company Excellent Friends and Future Success! (Melbourne, Australia). With Emmanuelle Mattana, Melissa Gan.

World sales Excellent Friends and Future Success!

Films: 2019: Peeps (short film). 2023: linda 4 eva (short film). 2025: Fwends.

Bonus Material

Interview and Director’s Statement

  • Two girls are sitting outside at a concrete table and talking. The camera is looking out through the half-opened door from inside the building.

    Director’s Statement

    Sophie Somerville on the beautiful messiness of ordinary life
  • People walk across a bridge on which a light installation in the shape of a neon star is mounted.


    Sophie Somerville in conversation with Carolin Weidner and Christiane Büchner

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur