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Palliative Care Unit
A nurse
Still from PALLIATIVSTATION (Palliative Care Unit) by Philipp Döring © Philipp Döring
  • Director

    Philipp Döring

  • Germany / 2025
    245 min. / Original version with English subtitles

  • Original language


“It’s not about giving life more days, it’s about giving days more life” is one of the ideas formulated by Cicely Saunders, the founder of palliative care. It flickers up during a presentation in Philipp Döring’s four-hour institutional observation while a carer instructs a new staff member. They are at the Franziskus hospital in Berlin. Döring documents a few months here between the start of the year and summer, accompanying doctors on their rounds and in consultations with relatives and listening in on the team’s internal exchanges, which don’t shy away from mentioning shortcomings. A safe space is created that follows its own rules, in which dialogues about life paths are taken up and reflected upon, progress is celebrated and approaching farewells entrusted to the necessary people. Palliativstation is thus also a film about language, which shifts between medical jargon and different dialects and is sometimes only able to be produced with technical help. Döring gets very close to death, but with it also to life. His film is weighty, impressive and yet never becomes crushing under the burden of fate. One thing quickly becomes clear: life only ends with the final heartbeat. (Carolin Weidner)

Philipp Döring was born in 1977 in Freiburg. He studied German philology and, later, film directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württenberg. His thesis film Am anderen Ende won the First Steps Award and the Deutsche Kamerapreis. He shot more short films as well as videos for NGOs, and worked in various theatres for Luk Perceval. Despite his love of feature films, he primarily earns his money making short videos for social media. Palliativstation is his first feature-length documentary. Döring currently lives with his family in a small village in Tuscany.

Director Philipp Döring. Cinematography Philipp Döring. Editing Philipp Döring. Producer Philipp Döring. Executive Producer Philipp Döring. Production company Philipp Döring (Beriin, Germany). With Sebastian Pfrang, Winfried Hardinghaus, Annette Ortmann, Tabea Sammer.

Films: 2009: Am anderen Ende / At the Other End (short film). 2012: Nagel zum Sarg / The Nail (short film). 2013: Kann ja noch kommen / Maybe Later (short film). 2016: Meander (experimental film). 2020: Exil Backstage (web series). 2025: Palliativstation / Palliative Care Unit.

Bonus Material

Director's Statement and Interview

  • Film still from PALLIATIVSTATION (Palliative Care Unit) by Philipp Döring. The image shows a woman leaning against the wall in a hospital room.

    Director's Statement

    Philipp Döring on his confrontation with the fear of dying

  • Film still from PALLIATIVSTATION (Palliative Care Unit) by Philipp Döring. The image shows a person in a hospital room on a chair in front of the window with their back to the camera.


    Philipp Döring in Conversation with Carolin Weidner and Christiane Büchner

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media
  • Logo des Programms NeuStart Kultur