Stefan Hayn
Germany / 2025
64 min.
/ Original version with English subtitles
Original language
In 2024 (2023), Stefan Hayn unpeels layer by layer what he sees, where he is and what he does. He paints the city in which he lives, Berlin. He portrays his family. His daughters are used to it, they don’t pose. It’s a relationship-based interaction that is reflected in his painting and a struggle for the image. Wouldn’t it be easier just to take a photo? Painting takes time and gives you time, it shows how differently we see things and how important it is to be within reach of what is being depicted. What shows through? Hayn also addresses and depicts this struggle for the visible – every day, for hours on end. He himself becomes a motif, as a street painter with a large canvas, in front of the Jewish Museum, the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, the Amerika-Gedenk-Bibliothek. In 2024 (2023), his first film shot solely on a smartphone, the ‘painting-on-film’ director takes diary-like and very personal snippets of the two years that give the film its title. Without forcing a specific reading, he uses light, weather, turpentine, tired limbs and fleeting encounters to create an airy, sharp critique of the availability of images. A social medium. (Christiane Büchner, Barbara Wurm)
Stefan Hayn was born in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in 1965. He works in Berlin as a painter and filmmaker (including in collaboration with Anja-Christin Remmert). He studied at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy, and is a fellow at the UdK’s graduate school, the Künstler*innenhaus Büchsenhausen in Innsbruck, and Franklin Furnace in New York. He has released paintings, drawings, texts, and films since 1989. He has been invited internationally for fellowships and exhibitions, and to present his films in cinemas, on TV, and in festivals.
Director Stefan Hayn. Screenplay Stefan Hayn. Cinematography Stefan Hayn. Editing Stefan Hayn. Sound Design Steffen Martin, Jochen Jezussek. Sound Stefan Hayn. Producer Stefan Hayn. Executive Producer Stefan Hayn. Production company Stefan Hayn Filme und Malerei (Berlin, Germany).
World sales Stefan Hayn Filme und Malerei
Films: 1992: Fontvella’s Box (short film). 1994: What to Put on Top of Jack Smith’s Memorial Christmas Tree? (short film). 1996: Am Israel Chai – Bericht von Dr. Ursula Bohn / Am Israel Chai – A Report by Dr. Ursula Bohn. 1997: Ein Film über den Arbeiter / A Film about the Worker (short film). 1998: Dreizehn Regeln oder Die Schwierigkeit sich auszudrücken / Thirteen Rules or The Difficulty of Sexpressing Oneself. 2002: Gespräche mit Schülern und Lehrern / Conversations with Pupils and Teachers (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2002: Schuldnerberichte / Debtor Reports (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2005: Malerei Heute / Painting Now (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2007: Als Landwirt / As a Farmer (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2009: Weihnachten? Weihnachten! / Christmas? Christmas! (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2014: S T R A U B (co-directed with Anja-Christin Remmert). 2015: Nie Wieder Klug / Never Ever Clever (short film). 2016: Dahlienfeuer / Dahlia Fire. 2019: Pain, Vengeance? / Bread, Revenge?. 2025: 2024 (2023).