Co-founders of Arsenal; directorate of Forum until 2001
Date of recording: 28.8.2012
Language: German with English subtitles
STSCHASTJE (Das Glück / Happiness, Alexander Medwedkin, Soviet Union 1934)
TSCHELOWJEK S KINOAPPARATOM (Der Mann mit der Kamera / MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA, Dziga Vertov, Soviet Union 1929)
SCHESTAJA TSCHAT MIRA (Ein Sechstel der Erde/ A SIXTH OF THE WORLD, Dziga Vertov, Soviet Union 1926)
Living film history in the Forum and at the Arsenal; interest in Eastern Europe; Belye Stolby; Gosfilmofond; Victor Privaoto; Medvedkin; HAPPINESS; Gosfilmofond sends the Arsenal small packages of Soviet silent films starting in 1971; Puszta drums; Eisenstein; Dziga Vertov; Berlinale is boycotted by the Eastern Bloc – films come anyway; MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA; A SIXTH OF THE WORLD; Forward, Soviet!; The Second Attempt.