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Anna Mallmann studied Law and History of Art in Heidelberg, Berlin and London to work in the field of Cultural Management. After completing a Master’s in Museum Studies and the Second State Examinations for Law, she worked at the Goethe-Institut in various positions both in Germany and abroad from 2005 onwards. From 2009, she was head of finance and administration for Northwestern Europe at the Goethe-Institut London and later for Central and Eastern Europe at the Goethe-Institut Prague. Most recently, she worked in the Department of Culture and Communication at the Federal Foreign Office.

"Arsenal will be celebrating its 60th anniversary next year. I look forward to continuing its valuable work in Berlin and beyond and to shape its future together with Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, the Arsenal team and its many supporters. Film culture is an important source of reflection and exchange on past, present and future. The fact that history and change are so inextricably linked at Arsenal is both its particular strength and a wonderful challenge at the same time,” Anna Mallmann commented on her new position. 

Stefanie Schulte Strathaus is a film scholar and has been working as a curator at Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art since the early 1990s. Since 2004, she has been a member of its board of directors. From 2001–2019, she was a member of the selection committee of the Berlinale Forum, which has been organized by Arsenal since 1971.  Together with Anselm Franke, she founded Forum Expanded in 2006, which she headed until 2020. Most recently, she has made archival work an essential working area of Arsenal under the banner of “living archive”. 

Stefanie Schulte Strathaus on the changes to the Arsenal board of directors: “After 17 years of working on the board of directors with Milena Gregor and Birgit Kohler, I would like to express my immense gratitude to both of them for our collaboration. Together, we made Arsenal into what it is today. I’m therefore very happy that they will be staying on at Arsenal as heads of programming and that our productive exchanges can continue. I’m also very happy to be able to continue to shape the future of Arsenal in tandem with Anna Mallmann as commercial director from now on. Like all cultural institutions, we face big challenges in these difficult times. I’m confident that with the new structure, our committed team and all our friends and partners, we are in the best possible position for what lies ahead.”

Conveying international film culture in lively fashion has been the mission and passion of Arsenal - Institute für Film and Video Art since 1963. As a site for research and education that works regionally, nationally and internationally, this Berlin institution creates a network of communication as well as a space for (film) cultural dialogue. Arsenal plays a pioneering role in developing future-oriented models for cinema, distribution, festival and archival work. Arsenal programs two cinema auditoria at Potsdamer Platz, while the film collection, which encompasses over 10,000 works of independent cinema from across the world, is located at silent green Kulturquartier in Berlin-Wedding .

Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art fulfills a cultural mission as a charitable association. It receives funding to this end from the Federal Government’s State Minister for Culture and Media (BKM). Arsenal also receives project-related support from numerous institutions and partners.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media