Caligari Film Prize
A three-person jury awards the Caligari Film Prize to a film in the Forum. The prize is sponsored by the “German Federal Association of Communal Film Work“ and The winning film is honoured with 4,000 Euros, half of which is given to the director, the other half is meant to fund distribution.
The members of the jury 2022, Svenja Alsmann, Silvia Bahl and Andreas Heidenreich, award GEOGRAPHIES OF SOLITUDE by Jacquelyn Mills. Their statement reads:
“A shimmering bug feeling its way through the sand dunes, reed moving gently in the wind, a starry sky without the light pollution of the city: Jacquelyn Mills’s lyrical shots on 16mm film open up our sensitivity for the relational richness of the material world. She enables our senses to participate in the becoming and passing of life, drawing us into the complex interplay of an ecology. The film accompanies the researcher Zoe Lucas, who lives alone on the otherwise uninhabited Sable Island situated near the the Canadian coast and it follows her documenting and preserving the traces of all living beings with care and dedication. She also rigorously registers the alarming amount of plastic waste washed ashore, picking it up meticulously. Beyond creating an intimate portrait, Mills explores in an experimental way the sensitivity of the raw film material in contact with its surroundings. In those extraordinary figurations of experience a discrete form of beauty becomes tangible that evokes a responsibility for the world.“