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  • Film still from THE UNSTABLE OBJECT: Red leather gloves are sewn on a sewing machine.

    Guest Daniel Eisenberg

    On October 20, Daniel Eisenberg will be our guest at the German premiere of his film THE UNSTABLE OBJECT II.

  • Film still from THE FACE OF ANOTHER: A man with a bandaged face stands in front of a transparent wall on which lines and strokes have been drawn.

    Between Golden Age and Nouvelle Vague

    We will be showing Japanese films from the 1960s throughout October under the title "Between Golden Age and Nouvelle Vague - New Perspectives on Japanese Film History".

  • Visualization of the cinema entrance with the lettering arsenal and a program poster.

    The future main entrance of Kino Arsenal is located on Plantagenstraße on the north side of silent green

    Arsenal 2024-2026

    Relocation, Travel, New Cinema – here you will find information about the planned relocation of the Arsenal.

  • 15:30
    Film still from THE UNSTABLE OBJECT: Red leather gloves are sewn on a sewing machine.

    The Unstable Object II

    Daniel Eisenberg USA, Germany, France, Turkey 2022

    DCP Without dialogue 204 Min.

    Followed by a discussion with Daniel Eisenberg, Moderation: Görkem Akgöz (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam), in English language

    Arsenal 1

  • 20:15
    Film still from BAD BOYS: A young man clings to the bars of a barred window.

    Furyo shonen

    Susumu Hani Japan 1960

    35 mm Original version with English subtitles 90 min.

    Arsenal 1

  • 19:00

    Wochenschau I: Requiem für eine Firma

    Gruppe Wochenschau (Gisela Tuchtenhagen, Horst Schwab, Klaus Wildenhahn u.a.) FRG 1969

    16 mm Original version 75 min.

    Followed by a discussion

    Arsenal 1

  • 20:00
    Film still from BLACK SUN: Two men, one of them Japanese, the other an African-American soldier, are sitting in a bombed-out house.

    Black Sun

    Koreyoshi Kurahara Japan 1964

    35 mm Original version with English subtitles 95 min.

    Arsenal 1

  • 19:00
    Film still from JÜM JÜM: A young woman swinging. Behind her is a hanging cloth with a colorful pattern.

    Provocative and amusing – Hamburg Filmmakers’ Cooperative

    Address of welcome: Rainer Rother (Deutsche Kinemathek), Thomas Struck in person

    Arsenal 1

  • 10:00
    Logo of the Film Restored festival in black and light green.

    Arsenal 1

  • 10:45

    We’re Alive

    Michie Gleason, Kathy Levitt, Christine Mohanna Lesiak USA 1974

    DCP Original version 49 min.

    Lecture: UCLA Women’s Film Workshop and the prison system von Jillian Borders (UCLA)

    Arsenal 1

  • 12:30
    Film still from LA CAUSA: A young farm worker stands next to a field and a tractor, carrying a container of harvested beans.

    Collective Resistance

    La Causa

    Introduction: Brian Meacham (Yale Film Archive)

    Arsenal 1

  • 14:30
    Film still from HASTRMAN: Ein Mann mit Hut schwimmt in in einem Gewässer.

    Lecture: The beginnings of the Prague Amateur Film Club and 9,5 mm film technology (1930s)

    Lecture by Daria Chernyak and Jiří Horníček (both Národní filmový archiv, Prague)

    Arsenal 1

  • 15:30

    Arsenal 1

  • 17:00

    Zwickel auf Bizyckel

    Reinhard Kahn, Michel Leiner, Jeanine Meerapfel, Ingeborg Nödinger, Ralf Scheimeister, Pavel Schnabel, Klaus Werner, Marion Zemann FRG 1970/1997

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 85 min.

    Arsenal 1

  • 19:30

    The Red Mark

    James Cruze USA 1928

    35 mm English intertitles 80 min.

    At the grand piano: Richard Siedhoff; Introduction: Robert Byrne (San Francisco Silent Film Festival)

    Arsenal 1

  • 21:30
    Film still from MANO DESTRA: A woman dressed in leather and holding a rope looks into the camera.

    Mano destra

    Cléo Uebelmann Switzerland 1986

    DCP Without dialogue 50 min.

    Introduction to the Frauenkino Xenia – Zürcher Kinokollektiv, followed by a discussion with Doris Senn, Cléo Uebelmann and Seraina Winzeler

    Arsenal 1

  • 10:00
    Film still from BALLADE AUX SOURCES: A girl in a dress dancing on the beach, the sea behind her.

    Ballade aux sources

    Med Hondo, Bernard Nantet France 1965

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 33 min.

    Workshop report: "Towards the retrieval and restoration of "Ballade aux sources": a collaborative approach" with Clément Lafite (Università degli Studi di Udine), Alessandro Russo (Università degli Studi di Padua), Annabelle Aventurin (film archivist and historian)

    Arsenal 1

  • 11:30

    Torre Bela

    Thomas Harlan Portugal, FRG, Liechtenstein 1977

    DCP Original version with German subtitles 111 min.

    Workshop report: "Restaurierungsbericht und Überblick zur Entstehung und Kontroverse des Films Torre Bela" by Stefan Drößler (Filmmuseum München)

    Arsenal 1

  • 14:30
    Film still from LOUSY LITTLE SIXPENCE: Two women sit at a table and look into the camera. Behind them is a flower arrangement.

    Lousy Little Sixpence

    Alec Morgan Australia 1983

    DCP Original version 55 min.

    Video Introduction: Elena Guest (NFSA), Alec Morgan

    Arsenal 1

  • 16:00
    Logo of the Film Restored festival in black and light green.

    Panel discussion: Archiving Queer – Queering Archives

    Björn Koll (Queere Kulturstiftung), Birgit Bosold (Schwules Museum) and a user of the archive, Moderation: Daniel Meiller (Deutsche Kinemathek)

    Arsenal 1

  • 18:00

    Taxi zum Klo

    Frank Ripploh FRG 1980

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 95 min.

    Introduction: Björn Koll (Queere Kulturstiftung)

    Arsenal 1

  • 20:00
    Film still from MANTHAN: Some women in colorful saris wear vessels on their heads.


    Shyam Benegal Indien 1976

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 134 Min.

    Video introduction: Shivendra Singh Dungarpur (Film Heritage Foundation)

    Arsenal 1

  • 10:00
    Logo of the Film Restored festival in black and light green.

    Lecture: Jewish Film Heritage

    Lecture by Lea Wohl von Haselberg (media scholar and curator), Johannes Praetorius-Rhein (film scholar and sociologist)

    Arsenal 1

  • 11:15

    Zeugin aus der Hölle

    Živorad Mitrović FRG, Yugoslavia 1967

    DCP German version 83 Min.

    Introduction: Johannes Praetorius-Rhein ((film scholar and sociologist)

    Arsenal 1

  • 14:00
    Film still from HAMIDA: A child is holding an animal skeleton at the edge of a field.


    Jean Michaud-Mailland GDR, Tunisia 1965

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 79 min.

    Introduction: Philip Zengel (DEFA-Stiftung)

    Arsenal 1

  • 15:45
    Logo of the Film Restored festival in black and light green.

    Panel discussion: Hands on – Aufbau und Entwicklung alternativer Communitys

    With Audrey Biasucci (Filmgruppe Zelluloid 42), Patrick Holzapfel (Jugend ohne Film), Malve Lippmann and Can Sungu (Cinema of Commoning), Moderation: Diana Kluge (Deutsche Kinemathek)

    Arsenal 1

  • 17:00
    Film still aus RAIN OR SHINE: A woman stands between two 35mm projectors in a projection booth.

    Ob’s stürmt oder schneit

    Wolfgang Berndt, Doris Dörrie FRG 1977

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 83 min.

    Introduction: Markus Ruff (Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst)

    Arsenal 1

  • 20:00
    Logo of the Film Restored festival in black and light green.

    Arsenal 1

  • 11:00

    Die vier Gesellen

    Carl Froelich Germany 1938

    DCP 94 min.

    Introduction: Annika Haupts (Deutsche Kinemathek)

    Arsenal 1

  • 14:00
    Film still from THE THIRD MAN: A man stands in front of a Ferris wheel.

    The Third Man

    Carol Reed UK 1949

    DCP Original version with German subtitles 105 min.

    Introduction: Rainer Rother (Deutsche Kinemathek)

    Arsenal 1

  • 16:30
    Film still from Was tun Pina Bausch und ihre Tänzer in Wuppertal?: Three women stand one behind the other on a stage with their arms raised.

    Was tun Pina Bausch und ihre Tänzer in Wuppertal?

    Klaus Wildenhahn FRG 1983

    DCP Original version with English subtitles 115 min.

    Introduction: Anke Hahn (Deutsche Kinemathek)

    Arsenal 1


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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media