Die Jury vergibt einen Preis von DM 20.000.- an einen ersten oder zweiten Film, der im Hauptprogramm des FORUMS gezeigt wird.
The jury awards this prize with a purse of DM 20.000 that has been donated by the Society for Safeguarding Film and television Rights to a film screened in the International Forum of new Cinema.

Irm Hermann, Schauspielerin, Deutschland
Daniel Schmid, Regisseur, Schweiz
Giovanni Spagnoletti, Direktor des Pesaro-Filmfestivals, Italien

The decision was unanimous to award the Wolfgang Staudte Award 2000 to


by Vinko Bresan, Croatia 1999


The film deals with a still-present political past in a humourous and droll manner, directed with a light hand.
The serious topic - how people today in Croatia and elsewhere live with the spirit of Marshal Tito - is staged brilliantly, with outstanding actors.

A Special Mention goes to

by Masahiro Tsuchihashi, Japan 1999



The jury awards its prize to a film screened in the International Forum of New Cinema. The purse of DM 5.000 is donated by the 'German Federal Association of Communal Film Work'.

Die Jury vergibt den mit DM 5.000,- dotierten Caligari-Filmpreis an einen Film des Internationalen Forums des Jungen Films. Die Preis wird von Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit gestiftet.

Vivian Conrad
Erwin Heberling
Mark Siegmund

the Caligari Film Prize 2000 is awarded to

I EARINI SYNAXIS TON AGROFYLAKON / Das Frühlingstreffen der Feldhüter / The Four Seasons of the Law
by Dimos Avdeliodis, Greece 1999

Four rural guards on a small Greek island in 1960 fail, in various ways, to carry out their assignments. Representing the authorities, each guard, with his individual weaknesses, encounters the resistance of the village's inhabitants.
With playful light-heartedness and refreshing irony, the director tells a fairy-tale-like story, but resists romanticising. The multilayered parable, with its underlying tragicomic mood, is as much a character study as it is a political allegory.
The excellent musical structure provided by Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' and the beautiful shots of the Mediterranean landscape combine to create a compositional harmony between sound and image.
Told with wit, intelligence and dry humour, the film holds the viewer's attention throughout its more than three hours, thus offering an impressive cinematic experience.

A Special Mention goes to

by Sabu, Japan 1999

In an inimitable manner, Sabu mixes different film genres to make a successful cocktail featuring a unique sense of humour - an impressive example of modern, innovative cinema.

the FIPRESCI Prize

a jury of international film critics will present the FIPRESCI Prize
to a film in the International Forum of New Cinema.

Derek Malcolm, UK, president
Angelika Kettelhack, Germany
Gerald Peary, USA
Borislav Andjelic, Jugaslavia
Jerzy Plazewski, Poland
Carlos Alberto Mattos, Brazil
Menakshi Shedde, India
Pia Lundberg, Sweden
Mikhail Brashinski, Russia

The prize for the film of the 30th Forum is awarded to

by Sabu, Japan 1999

for its austere, dark wit and keen eye for human foibles


The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema is an alliance of festival organizers and film critics whose aim is to support Asian film. The jury views and awards a prize to an Asian film in the International Forum of New Cinema.

The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema ist ein Zusammenschluß von Festivalorganisatoren und Filmkritikern, die sich die Förderung des asiatischen Films zum Ziel gesetzt haben. Die Jury sichtet asiatische Filme im Programm des Internationalen Forums des Jungen Films.


Ahmed Muztaba Zamal, Netpac Bangladesh
Nakorn Veerapravati, Netpac Thailand
jean Pierre Garcia, Netpac France

The Jury awards its prize to the film

BARIWALI / Die Dame des Hauses / Lady of the House
Rituparno Ghosh, India 1999

for the quality of its cinematic language and for its strong link with Bengali culture and the history of film making.

and to

NABBIE NO KOI / Nabbies Liebe / Nabbie's Love
Juji Nakae, Japan 1999

for the quality of the directing work and use of traditional music in a universal love story.

A Special Mention goes to

Hee-Sun Jang, Korea 1999

for the way in which the director diffuses the boundary between reality and film.


Hans Gsaenger
André Lazare
Lieve Vanderlick

The Jury awards its prize to the film

I EARINI SYNAXIS TON AGROFYLAKON / Das Frühlingstreffen der Feldhüter / The Four Seasons of the Law
Dimos Avdeliodis, Greece, 1999

Poetically and with subtle humour, Dimos Avdeliodis' film tells a 'little' story from a vanished time: four rural guards - an archaic profession dying out in Greece as elsewhere - of very differing characters all fail in the task assigned to them.
The outstanding ensemble of actors, playing their roles with a hint of playful irony, the fairy-tale-like settings and the energy of the music (Antonio Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons') all give the film an almost magical atmosphere. THE SPRING GATHERING/ THE FOUR SEASONS OF THE LAW has justifiably been called the most important Greek film next to Angelopoulos' ETERNITY AND ONE DAY; it is certainly the most beautiful.


The jury is composed of nine readers of the Berliner Zeitung. It awards a prize with a purse of 5.000 DM to a film screened in the International Forum of New Cinema.
Die Jury besteht aus neun Lesern der Berliner Zeitung, die Filme im Programm des Internationalen Forums des Jungen Films sichten. Die Leser-Jury vergibt einen mit DM 5.000,- dotierten Preis.

The Jury awards its prize to the film

LONG NIGHT'S JOURNEY INTO DAY - South Africa's Search for Truh & Reconciliation
Deborah Hoffmann and Frances Reid, USA

The film presents a bold attempt to reappraise the seemingly insurmountable racism in South Africa. In four deeply moving cases, the film documents a model for searching for justice that deserves international attention.

Special Mentions goes to the films

I EARINI SYNAXIS TON AGROFYLAKON / Das Frühlingstreffen der Feldhüter / The Four Seasons of the Law
Dimos Avdeliodis, Greece 1999

by Vinko Bresan, Croatia 1999

Claire Denis, France 1999

PREIS der Kirchen der Ökumenischen Jury

DE GROTE VAKANTIE, The long holiday
by Johan van der Keuken

Mit dem eigenen Ende konfrontiert (Krebsdiagnose), erkundet der Regisseur die Schönheit und Bedrohtheit dieser Erde. Die Vielfalt der Menschen, der Landschaften, Nationen und Religionen wird zu einer intensiven Chronik seiner ganz persönlichen Weltsicht.
Facing his own death (cancer diagnosis), the director explores the beauty and menace of this world. By a wide range of people, sceneries, nations and religions, this documentary develops a profound and personal account. '

SPEZIALPREIS der Oekumenischen Jury der Kirchen

von Peter Wintonick , Canada

"Cinéma vérité" erzählt die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Dokumentarfilms, die unsere Sichtweise der Welt verändert hat und auch die Welt, die wir sehen.
"Cinéma vérité" explains the history and development of documentary cinema, which has changed the way we see the world and changed the world we see.


The Jury is composed of nine members and views films from all sections of the Berlinale. The main award has a purse of DM 10.000 which has been donated by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and is presented in the form of a small sculpture by Otmar Alt.

Wolfgang Dietzel, Renan Demirkan, Chris Kraus, Sophie Kotanyi, Leonie Ossowski, Monika Puginier, Helene Schwarz, Marianne Wündrich-Brosien, Dr. Olga Zoller

The 15th Peace Prize is awarded to

LONG NIGHT'S JOURNEY INTO DAY - South Africa's Search for Truh & Reconciliation
Deborah Hoffmann and Frances Reid, USA

This film shows South Africa as a land in which the bleakness of the past extends into the present, destroying the destinies of great numbers, a country marked forever by its inner conflicts / a country torn forever. The film portrays people who face up to their individual guilt and responsibility, thus creating an understanding for life's contradictions that lie beyond the political significance of the theme itself. Instead, this complex portrait touches upon human existential questions, calling forth deep feelings and irritation but also giving rise to hope. Not least the brilliancy of the filmic means, the montage, music and camerawork, intensify this outstanding documentary, making it a great and moving experience.


Founded in 1947, FICC/IFFS is the international umbrella organization for film societies. The films awarded the DON QUIXOTE PRIZE or a Special Mention by the Jury will be listed in the FICC's catalogue of "Film Distribution Network" which then furthers their international distribution.

Christl grunwald-Merz (Germany)
Milan Licka (Czech Republic)
Peter Cargin ( United Kingdom)

The prize goes to

I EARINI SYNAXIS TON AGROFYLAKON / Das Frühlingstreffen der Feldhüter / The Four Seasons of the Law
Dimos Avdeliodis, Greece 1999

for its sympathetic creation of rural life and the atmosphere of the sixties.

Special Mentions goes to

by Sabu, Japan 1999

6IXTYNIN9 / Ruang Talok
Pen-ek Ratanaruang, Thailand 1999