Jan Peters
Deutschland 1998

Format: 16mm, Farbe Länge: 93 Minuten

Akademie der Künste    Fr.19.02.1999 14.30

Jan Peters „Ich habe mich den ganzen Monat Dezember 1997 täglich einer Rolle Film und dem entsprechenden Tonbandmaterial anvertraut. Die unbearbeiteten, nur chronologisch zusammengefügten Rollen bilden nun Dezember, 1–31. Ich spreche entweder direkt in die Kamera oder fange die Dinge des alltäglichen Lebens so ein, wie sie gerade vor das Objektiv kommen, so als könnte ich eine Kamera als Stift benutzen, der dieses Tagebuch schreibt, und das Tonband als Diktiergerät, das meine Gedanken notiert. Neben dem strengen Konzept ist dieser Tagebuchfilm aber vor allem ein Stück Trauerarbeit, eine Suche nach meinem Freund Grobi, der kurz zuvor gestorben ist. Gestartet als Arbeit gegen das Vergessen, entwickelt sich der Film immer stärker zum Kontaktpunkt mit dem toten Freund, der während der ganzen Drehzeit anwesend zu sein scheint.“

During the month of December 1997 filmmaker Jan Peters shot a three minute reel of film every day. Edited in chronological order, these thirty one reels form the film DECEMBER, 1-31. The commentary – which is sometimes recorded separately and sometimes spoken directly to the camera – is cut off abruptly at the end of each reel, almost like a torn film, thirty-one times. DECEMBER, 1-31 is a filmic diary with a radical subjective approach which allows a free association of images. Jan Peters’ avalanche of speech and images combines biographical anecdotes, banal observations and philosophical reflections. Peters’ theory is, that, as long as he calls a spade a spade, the relationship of any of these images to his life will eventually become self-evident. He is obliged to try and make these connections, moreover, in spite of the dramatic rupture caused by the death of his best friend. Making DECEMBER, 1-31 was an ironic, manic, consistent but also humorous way of working through his grief; an exercise which began with his pain at the impossibility of the synchronicity of death and life and continued with the attempt – via the film – to maintain contact with his dead friend. The search for signs, signals and messages in his every day environment takes the filmmaker to the rooftops of Paris, to a radio telescope in Nançay, into the internet, to a seance and finally, to the French alps.

Born in Hanover on 27.3.1966. Founded a travelling cinema in 1985 and was a member of a Super 8mm film group from 1986-88. Studied communications at the College of Fine Arts in Hamburg from 1988-87. Co-founded the filmmakers’ collective ”Abbildungszentrum” in 1994. Following his award-winning film, NOVEMBER, 1-30, DEZEMBER 1-31 marks his second feature-length diary film.
