Gary Weinberg,
Catherine Ryan

Produktion: Luna Productions.
Kontakt: Luna Productions, 3411 Irving St., San Francisco 94122, USA.
Tel.: (1-415) 661 46 66,
Fax: (1-415) 661 45 55.

Regie, Kamera: Gary Weimberg.
Zusätzliche Kamera: Guillermo Morales Pagan.
Musik: Miriam Cutler.
Ton: Josh Peterson, Sue Fox.
Schnitt: Gary Weimberg, Karla Henwood, Ann Marie McCallum, Ruthie Sacheim.
Produzenten: Catherine Ryan, Gary Weimberg, Rebecca Levy

Format: Video, Farbe. Länge: 60 Minuten.
Sprache: Amerikanisch und Spanisch.
Arsenal    So.14.02.1999 17.30
Arsenal    So.14.02.1999 24.00 
Ernesto ist ein fünfzehnjähriger Mexikaner, der älteste Sohn der Gómez-Familie. Als er zehn Jahre alt war, erzählten ihm seine mexikanischen Eltern, daß er ein Adoptivkind ist und in Wirklichkeit noch nicht einmal Ernesto heißt. Er ist zu ihnen gebracht worden, um dort versteckt zu werden – zu seiner eigenen Sicherheit. Als Ernesto die Wahrheit erfuhr, brach seine Welt zusammen. Er war verwirrt und verletzt. Seine mexikanischen Eltern versuchten ihm langsam, seine geheimgehaltene Vergangenheit zu erklären. Seine leiblichen Eltern waren Mitglieder der puertorikanischen Untergrundbewegung FALN, die für die Unabhängigkeit Puerto Ricos auch mit Bombenanschlägen kämpften und dafür 25 Jahre Gefängnis erhielten.

He is a teenager at the moment the film begins, yet already he has lived two lives. He has two different names, two distinct identities, and even two separate families. Is he Ernesto Gomez Gomez? Or is he Giullermo Morales? His 'double life' is not metaphor or mental illness. It is a real question at the center of his life. This documentary is about the year that he goes on a journey from the north of Mexico to the prisons of California to find the answers he needs and by the end of the film, he has learned the truth. In fact, the answer is clear. He is both. Guillermo is the 15 year old U.S. citizen. He is a tall, handsome, Puerto Rican, straight-A student. He recently moved to San Francisco to live near the prison where his mother has been incarcerated most of his life. Every week he goes to visit her, trying to get to know the mother he never knew. Ernesto is the Mexican 15 year old, the eldest child in the Gomez Gomez family. He had been happy, athletic, and a good student. But when he was 10 years old, his Mexican parents told him he was adopted, he wasn't really their son. Ernesto was not even his real name. His name was a secret. He had been sent to them to be hidden - for his own protection. It is difficult for any child to learn that he or she has been adopted. When Ernesto learned he was adopted, his reality was shattered. Who were his birth parents? Why had he been sent to Mexiko? At 10 years old, Ernesto was too afraid to even ask. He could respond only with confusion and hurt. Slowly, his Mexican parents tried to explain the secret truth of his own past. His biological parents were Puerto Rican militants - members of the FALN - an underground group of pro-independence Puerto Ricans who were responsible for a series of bombings in the 70's. He was an infant when they sent him to Mexico to be raised in safety and anonymity, sacrificing their family-life with him for the cause they believed in. This painful choice proved to be an act of foresight. His biological father, William Morales, was wounded in an explosion, imprisoned, but then escaped. To this day he is wanted by the FBI. The boy's biological mother, Dylcia Pagán, was captured and is serving a 55 year sentence in a US Federal penitentiary. Her crime: 'seditious conspiracy', fighting for Puerto Rico to become it's own sovereign nation. She is a political prisoner in the USA. She is, if you will, a Puerto Ricon Nelson Mandela. All this was to be Ernesto's secret. -For his own safety,- he was told. He wasn't to talk about this to anyone, not even his three brothers. And he didn't. So as the next five years passed Ernesto became more and more confused, more and more angry, until he decided to go on a journey to find relief from the questions that haunted him about his secret Puerto Rican legacy. In 1995, at age 15, he decided that he had to leave Mexico and the only family he had ever known to try to find the family he had never known. As he describes it, Ernesto was a Mexican teenager. He died. And Guillermo was born, the reincarnation of Ernesto but with different parents.

Biofilmographie / Biofilmography
Gary Weimberg wurde am 9. Juni 1957 in Cleveland, Ohio geboren und studierte Kommunikationswissenschaft und visuelle Künste an der University of California (San Diego). 1980 drehte er seinen ersten Film $20.01: A Chinese Food Odyssee. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Filmemacher arbeitet er als Cutter, Drehbuchautor, Schriftsteller, Produzent und Kameramann.
Gary Weimberg was born on June 9th, 1957 in Cleveland, Ohio. He studied communications and visual arts at the University of California, San Diego. In 1980 he shot his first film $20.01: A Chinese Food Odyssee. Apart from making films, Gary Weimberg works as an editor, author and script writer, producer and cameraman.
Films / Filme
1980: $20.01: A Chinese Food Odyssee. 1986: Celebrating the 7th.; The Elephant Flies; The Great Sky Elephant. 1994: Loyalty and Betrayal: The Story of the American Mob. 1997: The Story of Mothers and Daughters. 1998: THE DOUBLE LIFE OF ERNESTO GOMEZ GOMEZ.
