Das süße Jahrhundert
Sweet Century
Helena Trestiková
Tschechien 1998

Produktion: Tschechisches Fernsehen, Nadace Clovek a cas (The People in Time Foundation
)Weltvertrieb: Tschechisches Fernsehen, Telexport Dept. Kavci hory, 140 70 Prag 4,Tschechische Republik.
Tel.: (420-2) 612 12 945, Fax: (420-2) 612 11 354.

Buch und Regie: Helena Trestiková Produzenten: Z. Cervenkov·, K. UhÌirova·, Martin Kopriva. Dramaturgie: H. JemelÌková·, J. Platz, M. Trestik.
Kamera: Joséf Nekvasil, Martin Kubala, Ervin Sanders.
Musikalische Beratung: J. Spitzer. Ton: V. Nahodil, J. Kubi
éek, Jan Cenek.
Schnitt: Zdenik Patoéka. Produzenten: Z. Cervenkov·, K. Uhlirová, Martin Kopriva. Interviewpartner: AlbÌna (Alca) Palkoskoá·, Dagmar Skálá·, Hilda Ciháková, Jitka Puflerová.

Format: Video, Farbe/Schwarzweiß. Länge: 59 Minuten.
Babylon    Do.11.02.1999 19.00
Arsenal    Fr.12.02.1999 17.30 
Arsenal    Fr.12.02.1999 24.00 
Trestikovas Frauen, ehemalige politische Gefangene, erinnern sich an ihre schrecklichen Erlebnisse und reflektieren sie mit Weisheit und Lebenserfahrung. In ihre Erinnerungen wird Filmmaterial eingefügt, welches das soziale und politische Leben der Ersten Tschechischen Republik, die Zeit der deutschen Besetzung und die der kommunistischen Diktatur beschreibt. Das Archivmaterial, voll von scheinbar trivialen Details, ist besonders aussagereich. Der sonderbare Kontrast zwischen dem Pathos der einzelnen Geschichten und dem politischen Optimismus der namenlosen jungen Frauen erinnert an die absurde Unwirklichkeit jener Zeit und erklärt die bittere Ironie des Filmtitels.

The twentieth century sweeps through Central Europe like a storm. Everything is in flux: frontiers, constitutions, governments, ideologies and political slogans. Few people can expect to live in peace and fulfil their ambitions. THE SWEET CENTURY is a film about several women who were not destined to lead the lives they planned.
The twentieth century, now drawing to a close, has been a period of extraordinary social and political upheaval - especially in Eastern Europe. Regimes and ideologies, chosen or imposed, have come and gone. Humanity's struggle for a better future has reached such a pitch that the cost, measured in human corpses, has for the first time in history been counted in millions. No-one born in Central Europe at the beginning of the century has lived their life under the same social order or, in the case of exiles, in the same country. The heroines of our film started out with certain aims in life and, had they been born in a less troubled part of the world, they might well have achieved their ambitions. They might have become newspaper editors, leaders of the Scouting movement, translators, civil servants, mothers... But the whirlwind of history that ravaged Europe left their plans for a 'normal' life in tatters. In most cases, their 'sin' was to follow the dictates of their conscience: they helped students flee the country when, after anti-communist demonstrations, they were threatened with reprisals; or they encouraged Boy Scouts to protest - in short, they expressed, in one way or another, their opposition to the emerging communist dictatorship. But the brutal power whose aim was to create 'the most just society, where people can breathe in liberty and freedom' intervened, changing the course of their lives, ruthlessly and irreparably, for many years to come. As the number of surviving victims of this 'struggle for a better future' slowly dwindles, I feel there is an urgent need to record their testimony on film before it is too late. THE SWEET CENTURY is a modest attempt to address that need.
Helena Trestiková

Biofilmographie / Biofilmography
Helena Trestiková studierte an der Prager Filmhochschule FAMU und arbeitet seit 1972 als Filmemacherin. Sie hat mittlerweile um die dreißig Dokumentarfilme gedreht, die sich vor allem mit menschlichen Beziehungen und verschiedenen sozialen Problemen beschäftigen.
Helena Trestiková studied film at the Prague Film Academy (FAMU) and started working professionally in 1972. She has made around thirty documentaries, mostly concerned with human relationships and various social problems.
Films (selection) /Filme (Auswahl)
1975: Zázrak (The Miracle). 1981: Dotek svetla (Touching Light). 1987: Manzelskè etudy (Studies of Marriage). 1992: Pavlina (part of the long-term cycle Rekni mi neco o sobe / Tell Me Something About Yourself). 1993: Renè (part of the long-term cycle Rekni mi neco o sobe / Tell Me Something About Yourself). 1993: Kaspar. 1994: Láda (part of the long-term cycle Rekni mi neco o sobe / Tell Me Something About Yourself). 1994: Martin, aneb bytci mit (Martin, or To Be or To Have; part of the long-term cycle Rekni mi neco o sobe / Tell Me Something About Yourself). 1995: Sladkè horkosti Lidy Baarovè (The Sweet Bitterness of Lida Baarová). 1997: Milan-Zráni zla (Milan-Evil ripening; part of the long-term cycle Rekni mi neco o sobe / Tell Me Something About Yourself). 1998: Vylouceni z literatury (Excluded from Literature).
