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Mark Williams from the New Zealand Film Archive presents two programs from the New Zealand Film Archive’s collection: Program 1 charts the experimental impulse in home movies, government film-making, music video, experimental film and artists video. Program 2 showcases musical compositions by New Zealand artist Philip Dadson. (21.10)
Program, 7 pm:
The Experimental Archive - Adventures in New Zealand Film-making 1933-2007
A dozen films from the collection of The New Zealand Film Archive that find the experimental in genres including home movies, government newsreel, music video and artists film. Fans of NZ music will enjoy 1980s videos by Chris Knox and Fetus Productions; Gray Nicol presents his classic 1978 performance piece for shotgun, a bandage and ducks entitled Duck Calling; home movies from the 1930s find surrealism in the everyday while latter day works tackle the road movie, race and gender.
Program, 9 pm:
Philip Dadson - Sonics From Scratch
Live performance works by experimental instrument builder and composer Philip Dadson including Pacific 321 Zero, a 1986 concert movie of a performance protesting against French nuclear testing in the South Pacific. Director Gregor Nicholas drew his inspiration from Scorcese's The Last Waltz and captures the group in full flight; banging on oil drums, interlocking rhythms on Dadson's massive percussion structures built from drain pipes. Also Echo-Logo, a 2003 sound performance captured in an Antarctic valley.

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Arsenal on Location wird gefördert vom Hauptstadtkulturfonds

Die internationalen Programme von Arsenal on Location sind eine Kooperation mit dem Goethe-Institut.