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The event "A Night at the Archive" took place on September 10th, 2011 at our external film depot in Spandau. The six films picked randomly were screened on a mobile 35mm projector, one reel per film.

LA HORA DE LOS HORNOS, Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentina 1968, 35mm, OV/GeS, 255min
GHETTO, Thomas Imbach, Switzerland 1997, 35mm, OV, 121 min
ARSENAL, Alexander Dowshenko, UdSSR 1928, 35mm, OV, 92 min
PERWY UTSCHITEL, Andrej Michalkow-Kontschalowski, Kirgisistan 1965, 35mm, OV, 99 min
12 ANGRY MEN, Sidney Lumet, USA 1957, 35mm, GV, 97 min
POLICE, Charlie Chaplin, USA 1916, 35mm, silent, 19 min

Biography of Avi Mograbi